Brean Parish Council

Brean Parish Council have three vacancies for parish councillors.  Are you community minded?  Would you like to make a difference to the village of Brean and its residents?  If yes, please email to request an application form for the role and further details of the role of parish councillors.

Welcome to the website for Brean Parish Council. Here you will find information about the parish and its council.

Brean in the County of Somerset lies on the shores of the longest and largest inlet in England's coastline, the Bristol Channel. The channel is governed by the second largest rise and fall of tidal movement in the world, about one mile (the largest being the Bay of Fundy in Canada).

The northern village boundary is Brean Down, a rocky promontory some 300ft high, jutting out into the channel and separating Brean from Weston-super-Mare. The Down is of the same carboniferous limestone formation as the offshore islands of Flat Holm and Steep Holm and at one time must have been an extension of the Mendip Hills. The Down dominates the northern end of the village and on it are found signs of ancient settlement with a history dating back 4,000 years to the Stone Age. Archaeological studies have found evidence of extinct mammoths, deer, bison and reindeer dating 10, 000 years B.C. and burial mounds of the Bronze Age.
In 1964 a Roman Temple dating from about 340 AD was excavated on the Down.


If you wish to report a problem with a blocked drain, gully, footpath or bridleway or issues with parking int the village please see Village Matters for links to Somerset Council webpages to report problems of this nature.

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