Unitary Council
Somerset Council
Somerset County Council is the third tier of local government in the county and deals with the main following areas of responsibility:
- Children's Services
- Adult Social Care
- Roads, parking and transport
- LIbraries
- Waste and recycling
- Public Rights of Way
- Planning
- Housing
- Benefits
- Environmental Health
- Licensing
- Parks and Open Spaces
The council can be contacted on 0300 123 2224.
The ward councillors for the area are Tony Grimes and Bob Filmer who can be emailed at tony.grimes@somerset.gov.uk and bob.filmer@somerset.gov.uk
For more information on Somerset Council's services please visit http://www.somerset.gov.uk
Member of Parliament
The Member of Parliament for the Wells area of Somerset of which Brean is part is James Heappey. Mr Heappey can be contacted at james.heappey.mp@parliament.uk