More information on Brean​


Reporting issues with Public Rights of Way.

Somerset County Council is the body responsible for clearing and keeping clear Public Rights of Way. Public Rights of Way can be footpaths, bridlepaths, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic.  Whilst the parish council can report these matters on your behalf, those who report issues generally have much more accurate information on what the issue is and where the issue is so we would encourage you to report any problems, including with footpaths that lead down to the beach, on Somerset Council's website yourself.

The link for reporting is:


St Bridget's Church

Sunday 9-15am Holy Communion

Please see notice board for time and church of services on the  2nd and 5th Sundays.

More information about the church can be found here


Brean Methodist Church

Information on Brean Methodist Church can be found here


Brean & Berrow Residents Association

John Augustus  01278 751629


Coastline Magazine

Terry Lever  01278 792246

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